Sunday, July 31, 2011

Answers to the impossible but incessant question.

...Why China?
I like kung fu movies.
...Why China?
German  was too easy.  I could actually speak it.
...Why China?
The history of Sino-American relations is hilarious.  Example:  when the British embassy to China, Macartney, arrived in 1793 to negotiate a commercial treaty with the emperor, he was forced to wait for months before even being granted a meeting.  Finally, Chinese officials woke him in the wee hours of the day and with much pomp rushed him to the  official chambers.  However, on the throne was not the emperor but a letter of rejection to the embassy's proposal's, addressed not to Macartney but to the  "barbarian" king of the English.   Macartney was made to kowtow to the letter as if it were the emperor and then escorted out of the capital.  Ha!  The British were a bit sore and later returned with a new bumper crop  and two opium wars.
...Why China?
I tire of clean air.
...Why China?
...Why China?
It's the only potentially lucrative thing I studied in college.
...Why China?
Well, the Mayan's end of the world in 12/2012 is not actually an armageddon  like proposed by Western religions, but a severe transition period of sorts.  My conclusion is that that's when the Chinese are going to take over the world.  Don't want to be around here when that happens!
...Why China?
Where else in the world could you simultaneously feel like Angelina Jolie and Godzilla?
...Why China?
Europe's too expensive.
...Why China?
My allegiance lies with the man powerful enough to control the weather.
...Why China?
Wanted more knock-off pashminas.
...Why China?
In Chinese my name sounds like Forest Gump  saying "jenny".  Who could pass that up?
...Why China?
I need guanxi.
...Why China?
Tea fetish. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

From one people's republic to another, AGAIN

Unless you been sequestered in a cave for the last... some amount of time... you are well aware that I'm in the panicked throws of getting my sh*t together to get back to the Middle Kingdom.  I've landed a job teaching English in Shenzhen ( for a year or so, so in about a week I fly to Beijing (back to my old university!) for a month of TEFL in China certification-ing and then travel on down to my school in Shenzhen.
Why China AGAIN, you may ask.  Well, don't.  The best answer you're going to get:  It seemed like the thing to do at the time. -- or -- I just graduated college and like a million of my closest highly-qualified peeps have discovered that, well, the economy died.  Why not flee to China?
Don't be concerned, I am in fact pretty excited about the opportunity.  It's just nearing the one-week-til-China- AGAIN mark that has put me into why-am-I-doing-this-AGAIN mode.  Le sigh.
Between delays with my visa, phone tag with insurance, phone tag with student loan servicers, realizing I have no work clothes yet, realizing unless I want to wear men's shoes again I need to buy some more here, and realizing I have no idea how to teach 15 classes of 50 students conversational English (whoops), I have been running around like a headless zombie chicken.
But fear not, dear followers.  In all of the madness your dedicated travel blogger has found time to set up a new blog to document my doings and inane thought bubbles.  I found that the last one went as well as it could, given the slow connections and blockings of every social networking site known to America, thank you communism.  From the "Things on Sticks" to my "Ode to Starbucks", your laughs and comments got me through (For nostalgia, the link to the yester-blog: I herefore pledge to once again do my best to keep at it, as you do your best to care.  ^.^

Things that will be new this round:
* I have a JOB, teaching conversational English (last time it was an --unpaid-- internship copy-editing for a policy journal)
* I've graduated and consequently am no longer attending a school or taking classes (aside from Mandarin classes hallelujah)
* I'm now a vegetarian. We'll see how that goes.
* After August I'll be living in Shenzhen, which is on the very south border and so about the distance and climate change from NY to Miami. New city!  Really hot, humid, monsoony city!  HUGE city!
* I'll be the only teacher from my program at my school, so really doing it on my own this time.
* I'll be there at least a year

Hopefully you are adequately enticed. If not, pretend to be every now and then.
Bisou bisou