Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Camping in Hong Kong

We decided to invest in a tent a couple weeks ago and took advantage of our three days off to use it.  I went camping with Christiane and Thomas on Lantau Island in Hong Kong.  It took us a looooong time to get there because it turns out everyone was trying to go to HK, but after two buses, a metro, lunch, a ferry, and another bus (four or five hours later) we got there.  The campsite was a lot nicer than we expected; it had campgrounds with tables and laundry lines, not to mention a clean bathroom with showers.  We stayed for two nights and were able to tour the island and see the big Buddha, go to a stilt house fishing town, and hike.  Well, Christiane and Thomas got to hike.  Because...
Only draw back -- I got some kind of food poisoning from breakfast and had to delay the trip an hour to rally, and on top of that had a bad head cold!  Come on, China.  So I stayed in the tent while they went hiking (sad face) but otherwise tried my best to keep up.
We didn't have a lot of things we needed, like fire wood, pads to sleep on (we were literally separated from the rocky ground by only the tent) or flashlights (we found out once we got there that T had forgotten his headlamp).  But we made it work.  By far not the most comfortable nights of our lives, but it wasn't too bad.  We might even go back to another site next weekend if I can recuperate enough (I got another kind of stomach flu this week, COME ON, CHINA!).
It was a little foggy / hazy but the pictures still turned out.
::I know the pictures are orientated strangely, it's a problem with the website.  I'm not able to rotate them, sorry!::

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