Don't worry, I know how painfully I've been lagging on the posts lately. It's been busy here! The school term is almost over, but since Christmas isn't a holiday here we don't get any time off at all. So planning parties, buying gifts, decorating cookies and seeing friends all has had to overlap with making lessons, figuring out how to control 50 excitable 9 year olds at a time, and remembering the strange rules of English grammar.
It's all happened though, and I write to you now on Christmas night in between planning more lessons for tomorrow morning.
Christmas is not the same here without family and friends and traditions from back home. They kind of know what it is, and Christmas trees and Santa hats are everything, but it's not at all the same. It's a strange bastardized version of gaudy trees for the sake of taking pictures near them. I guess it's good that it doesn't feel like the holidays usually do because I can avoid some of the homesickness that would be there if it were painfully obvious.
My school was very kind yet again and lots of people unexpectedly brought me Christmas gifts! My headmaster brought me a fancy tea set, my neighbors a snow globe, one colleague a beautiful scarf, another some chocolate... I didn't have anything to reciprocate with because since it's not a holiday here I only got some things for my contact teacher and neighbor family! I'll have to do something for New Years maybe.
The foreign teachers have celebrated in our own ways though. We had a small Christmas white elephant party with some friends last week. And today CTLC and the education bureau had a big event for us in the form of a banquet and a booked hotel so we could all stay together and celebrate. It was a lot of fun and most of us, myself painfully included, overindulged a bit.
We got dim sum in the morning today. I hadn't had it before (think Chinese tapas or afternoon tea) so it was exciting and of course China did what China does best -- food -- and it was delicious. I failed to take pictures of this food because the previously stated overindulgence was taking its toll...
Afterwards I tagged along with Thomas to his church and saw my first Catholic mass. It was really interesting to watch, and we got to sing some Christmas songs which was my favorite part. I can't compare the service to what it would be like in the states, because like I said it was my first experience! It wasn't very similar to the services I have been to in past years though so it was fun to drill Thomas for explanations of what was happening.
And lastly we met up with a couple friends, Christiane and Carrie, and got dinner at a Malaysian restaurant and had delicious curry.
If it sounds like I'm describing everything in terms of foods we ate, that's because I've been living in China! Sinification is occurring (^.^)
It was a lovely time and I am so glad I got to spend it with friends here. But I miss my home and family! A tragedy struck when I woke up to an email from my parents saying I missed a skype meeting. Apparently some miscommunication happened and they were expecting me a day earlier than I was able to talk with them, so I missed being able to see everyone. I am very sad about that, but hopefully we'll be able to catch each other soon.
Love and miss you all. I hope the holidays are bringing you joy and togetherness, feel blessed to be with the friends and family you are spending it with!
Decorating cookies at our party |
The banquet |
Thomas and me |